Student Handbook
Where Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness Matter!
50 West Union Avenue
Cedar Grove, Wisconsin 53013
Telephone: (920) 668-8518; (877) 280-7361
Kelly Dzurick, Principal
Beth Smittkamp, School Counselor
Leslie Mundt, Athletic Coordinator
Karlinn Aleff, Administrative Assistant
Brenda Depies, Administrative Assistant
This Assignment Notebook Belongs to:
Name ______________________________________________ Grade _______________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________ Advisory Teacher_____________________
The Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School, in partnership with the community, is dedicated to providing an educational program that is responsive to the specific needs and characteristics of young adolescents.
The CGB Middle School Staff Believes:
*The purpose of the school is to prepare students to be lifelong learners through a challenging and relevant curriculum.
*Providing a student-centered environment is a collaborative effort involving students, teachers, administrators, support staff, families, and the community.
*Parental involvement is vital to the education of the middle level student.
*All students can learn and be successful academically and socially.
*Students need to respect and promote healthy diversity so that interaction among our students is positive and respectful.
*A safe, positive, encouraging, and caring environment is critical to student success.
*Situations or problems that may occur during the school year that are not specifically covered in this handbook will be governed by CGBSD board policy and decided by the building administrator.
Arrival and Dismissal Time
The school day is from 7:35 a.m. to 2:47 p.m. Students should not arrive to school before 7:20 a.m. Beginning at 7:20 a.m., students may sit and study in the commons area. All students are expected to be out of the building and off school property by 3:00 p.m. unless staying for a supervised activity, event, or performance. Students staying after school for a supervised activity must remain in the middle school commons. Middle school students waiting on an elementary sibling must wait in the middle school commons until 3:30 since elementary school is in session until then.
Attendance (Board Policy 5200)
A student's attendance in school is important for successful achievement. The principal or attendance officer
is empowered to approve a legal excuse to any student for the following up to 10 times per year.
Excused absences include:
Quarantine – as imposed by a public health officer.
Family emergency situations
Family trips – A parent/guardian shall notify the office prior to the vacation pending absence. A review of the student’s attendance record and overall academic performance will be conducted prior to the approval.
Religious holiday/instruction
Medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other valid professional appointments
A court appearance or other legal procedure which requires the student to attend
*Medical appointments, illnesses, quarantines, or court appearances verified by the agency or doctor are not counted toward the 10 times where parents/guardians or legal custodians can use to excuse absences. Written notice with the date and time of the appointment and a signature from the agency is required upon return to school. Parents or guardians must call the school office at (920) 668-8518 or Toll Free: 1-877-280-7361 to report a student absence before 8:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Messages regarding attendance can be left on the answering machine at any time. If the school is not notified by telephone on the first day of an absence, the student must have a note or phone call from the parent or guardian within 24 hours of returning to school. If this procedure is not followed, a student will be marked as an unexcused absence. Absences that exceed the ten parent excused absences are considered unexcused without official documentation. A student who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of five or more days is considered habitually truant and may be referred to social services for truancy.
Homework Requests: The school office will take requests for homework on the second consecutive day a student is sick from school. Parents requesting homework should call the school office before 8:00 a.m. of the second day a child is sick and homework assignments may be picked up in the office any time before 3:00 p.m. or sent home with a sibling. Teacher’s voice mailboxes and emails are accessible during and after school hours.
Attendance (Participation)
A student participating in afternoon or evening practices, competitions, or performances must attend and participate in all their scheduled classes the day of the activity. Students missing school for reasons other than illness must have an excused absence in order to participate. Final authority for infractions of this rule will rest with the principal.
Anticipated Absences
An anticipated absence from school should be requested at least 3 full days in advance of the absence if possible.
A dated note from home indicating the date(s) and the reason for the absence should be brought to the school
office. The student must obtain an Anticipated Absence Form from the office which is completed by teachers.
Students are obligated to complete coursework and assignments prior to or during the absence. The principal will
give final approval for such absences.
Unexcused Absences (Board Policy 5200)
Students who are absent from school, for reasons other than those listed on the previous page, may be given an
unexcused absence. When a student acquires an unexcused absence, it shall be counted toward the Cedar Grove-
Belgium District Truancy Plan. Students with more than 5 unexcused absences during a semester may be
referred to Sheboygan County for truancy.
Tardy Policy
Students who are tardy to school, arriving after 7:35am, will result in the student serving a lunch detention in the office for every late arrival beyond an accumulation of three tardy occurrences. Students who are tardy to class (1st – 8th hours) will be handled by the classroom teacher. Habitual tardiness may be included as part of the district's truancy plan. In addition, habitually tardy students may lose privileges that are set up school-wide, individually by the teacher, or the academic team.
Make-up Work
When a student is absent, the student is responsible for making up schoolwork that is missed during the absence.
Upon returning to school, the student is to obtain an admit slip from the office. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange to make up work with the classroom teachers. Students will be permitted one day for each day of an absence to complete schoolwork missed. If students are absent due to a school activity, the student will be expected to be prepared for the following day’s class work.
Band and Choir Courses
Students requesting to drop or add band or choir need to obtain a pink schedule-change form in the office, consult with the band or choir teacher, and have written parental consent. The completed schedule-change form with parent/teacher signatures along with written parental consent needs to be submitted to the office. Requested 1st semester changes need to be made by the first Friday at the start of the school year. Requested 2nd semester changes need to be made before the end of 1st semester, with the schedule change to take effect on the first day of 2nd semester.
Cell Phones/Digital Devices (Board Policy 5136)
CGBMS requires that students keep cell phones and personal devices in lockers out of sight and turned to the off position during school hours (7:35 a.m. – 2:47 p.m.) If a student is observed using his/her cell phone or device during school hours or has it out in view, the student shall first store it out of sight upon being directed to do so. Continued misuse will require the student to surrender the cell phone or device to the appropriate staff or principal for the remainder of the school day. The student may pick up the cell phone or device from the office staff or principal at the end of the day. Continued violations of the cell phone/device policy will require an assessment of cell phone/device privileges as determined by administration.
Change of Address
Students who move during the school year should notify the office of the new address and the date of move as soon as they know of the change. If your new address represents a change in schools/district you MUST complete the appropriate paperwork (available in the district office) in order to continue attending the Cedar Grove-Belgium district.
Claim Table
When items such as a backpack, swimsuit, lunch, or homework are forgotten at home, these items will be placed on the claim table when they are brought to school. It is the student's responsibility to check this table if they are looking for an item that is brought to school for them. Band instruments will be brought directly to the band room.
Computers/Chromebooks/School-Owned Digital Devices (Board Policy 5136)
Each year students are required to review and sign an agreement to use computers and Wi-Fi at CGBMS. Violations of this policy or agreement may result in students losing their privileges in using the school district’s technology devices. At the time of enrollment, both parents and students are required to review and sign an agreement permitting the issuing and use of an individual Chromebook device at CGBMS. Chromebooks are only used throughout the school day for academic purposes and are not sent home. Any electronic device that is the property of CGBSD may be removed from student use at any time, and violations of policy may result in students losing the privilege of using their assigned Chromebook or school-owned device.
Counseling and Guidance
Parents should feel free to call the counselor’s office for an appointment if they have any questions regarding their child’s schedule, student-student conflicts, student-teacher conflicts, courses, and student personal issues. The counselor can be reached at (920) 668-8518 ext. 228 or Toll Free 1-877-280-7361, ext. 228.
Dress and Appearance (Board Policy 5511)
Clothing should reflect modesty and pride. Any fashion (dress, accessory, or hairstyle) that presents a health or safety problem, causes a disturbance or distraction, or does not provide adequate body coverage will not be permitted. It is the student's responsibility to dress appropriately for school. Students are expected to adhere to the following:
Heads are to remain uncovered when students are inside the school building. Hats, visors, bandanas, and hoods are not to be worn in school. These items are subject to confiscation.
Clothing, backpacks, satchels, accessories, jewelry, notebooks, etc. must be free from objects that could be perceived as a weapon. Backpacks, satchels or like items are to be stored in lockers with the exception of carrying gym clothes to and from physical education.
Clothing and accessories, backpacks, satchels, jewelry, notebooks, etc. must be free of profanity, obscenity, drug related (alcohol, tobacco, or illegal substances) slogans, gang related slogans, vulgarity, sexually suggestive sayings, and anything racially, ethnically, or religiously offensive.
Bottoms (pants, skirts, shorts, etc.) and tops (shirts, blouses, etc.) must overlap at ALL times. Pants and tops must provide adequate coverage. Sagging pants and clothing with rips above the knee that reveal undergarments of any kind will not be tolerated. No undergarments may be exposed or visible.
Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to: tube tops, halter tops, muscle shirts (sleeveless undershirts), pajama bottoms, cut-off shorts, pants, or shirts, and tops with spaghetti straps, unless appropriately covered. No see-through apparel. Pajamas and slippers are prohibited. These same guidelines apply to physical education clothing.
Short shorts where internal pockets are exposed or the length of the shorts inseam is less than 3” are prohibited.
Jeans with holes and rips above the knee are prohibited unless leggings or similar items are worn underneath to provide adequate coverage to areas that would be exposed.
Jackets/coats may not be worn in class unless authorized by the teacher based on heating problems.
Sunglasses, wallet chains, animal collars, tails or like items are NOT to be worn in school.
Footwear that is conducive to both indoor and outdoor use must be worn at all times. Rollerblades and roller shoes are not to be worn in school, and NO CLEATS are to be worn in the building at any time.
Students in violation of this dress code will be respectfully asked to change and dress more appropriately. Failure to follow the dress and appearance guidelines will result in a progression of intervention steps consisting of a verbal reminder, change of clothing, removal of accessory, parent contact, and detention with review of dress code policy, and/or parent-student-counselor/principal meeting.
In the course of the year, the CGBMS Administration may determine that new fads and modes of dress are disruptive to a safe and orderly learning environment. For example, accessories or styles may be gang-related or convey nonverbal messages that are inappropriate for schools. In response to these situations, the dress code may be adjusted accordingly.
Expectation of Privacy
The Cedar Grove-Belgium School district shall implement the following Expectation of Privacy policy to protect the privacy rights of individuals using any areas in the Cedar Grove-Belgium School District where there is an expectation of privacy. These areas include locker rooms, bathrooms, changing rooms, and dressing rooms. (Refer to Board Policy #9151 according to State Statute #175.22)
No person may use a cell phone, camera or other device to capture or record the image of a nude or partially nude person in these areas.
Locker rooms are provided as a safe place for physical education students, athletes or other groups approved by the school district to prepare for athletic or physical education participation.
No non-school employee shall be permitted to enter the locker room to interview or seek information from an individual in the locker room. No cameras, video recorders or any device that is able to transfer images is permitted in the locker room.
Students and staff members violating this policy will be subject to school disciplinary actions and possible referral to law enforcement.
Responsible gum chewing is permitted with the exception of music classes (band, choir, and general music), physical education classes, and makerspaces. Students who misuse their gum (blowing bubbles, cracking it, or sticking it on furniture) will lose their gum chewing privileges for a fair and reasonable duration as determined by the classroom teacher or other certified staff members.
Honor Roll
The criteria for students to achieve High Honor Roll status and Honor Roll status are:
High Honor Roll All A’s
Honor Roll All A’s and B’s
A grade of C+ or lower does not qualify under the high honor roll or the honor roll.
If a student becomes ill during the school day, the office staff will notify the parent if it is determined necessary - such as having a fever, is vomiting, or has other serious needs where the student should go home.
Law Enforcement Interview (Board Policy 5540)
Law enforcement officials may interview students without the presence of a school official or without first notifying
the parent or guardian of the impending interview. This procedure is necessary in order to avoid interfering with any police investigation.
Medication (Board Policy 5330)
Students who are required to take prescribed medications will turn the medication into the middle school office. Parents wishing to have prescribed medication dispensed at school must sign a consent form as well as having a doctor’s authorization on the form. Prescribed medications dispensed at school must be in the original container. Students must not share their prescribed medication with another student. Medications such as asthma inhalers may be kept by the student who needs them, however a consent form is still required on file in the office.
Middle School Student Attendance at Cedar Grove-Belgium High School Events
As a way to help ensure the safety and well-being of middle school students who attend home Cedar Grove-Belgium High School events, middle school students are required to be seated during the entire game or match and are encouraged to be accompanied by a parent or an adult chaperone.
Office Phone
Student cell phone use is not permitted between 7:35 a.m. - 2:47 p.m. Student use of the office phone will be at the discretion of the office staff and typically includes only emergency situations.
If a student is ill, (has a fever, vomiting, or other serious illness or injury) the office staff will notify the parent.
Promotion-Retention (Board Policy 5410)
Any student with failing end of quarter grades and/or low performance on state mandated standardized tests may be considered for retention.
Report Cards
Report cards are posted online at the end of each term. Current academic standing of students can be accessed through the parent portal and student portal of Infinite Campus. Conferences among teachers, students, and parents may be arranged by any of the persons involved whenever they feel there is a need. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher directly to schedule a conference.
School Sponsored Student Social Events
School-related social events are limited to Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School students.
Security Camera on School Grounds (Board Policy 7440.01)
Students and visitors should realize that there are security cameras on school grounds. These cameras are operational
24 hours a day. These cameras are monitored by school personnel and recorded. When necessary, school personnel will review the recordings to verify any infractions of school rules and may be used as part of the discipline process when dealing with students.
Student ID Cards
Students will receive one ID card at the beginning of the school year after picture day. Replacement ID cards require a $5.00 fee payable in the office.
Student Lockers/Locks (Board Policy 5771)
In order to maintain order and discipline in the school as well as protect the health, safety and welfare of all students and staff, the middle school principal or his/her designee may conduct student searches on school property according to Board Policy #5771. The student assumes complete responsibility for all items in the locker and will have to reimburse the school for any damage to a locker or school materials taken from a locker. Students are personally and solely responsible for the care and security of their PCDs and personal belongings. The Board assumes no responsibility for theft, loss, or damage to, or misuse or unauthorized use of, PCDs brought onto its property (refer to Board Policy 5136). Only school provided locks can be used on student lockers. Damaged or lost locks will incur an $8.00 replacement cost. Student lockers and physical education lockers are to be secured with school locks only.
Textbooks/Library Books/School Owned Materials
Students will be charged for any damaged or missing textbooks, library books, and school owned materials.
Visitors to the Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School
The practice of bringing visitors to school is discouraged. School is a place for our students to learn and study.
Water Bottles/Candy/Snacks
Students are allowed to carry water in clear plastic or aluminum containers during the school day. Bottles are to be filled before school or during lunch breaks. All other drinks are not allowed beyond the commons in the morning and for the rest of the school day.
*Energy drinks are not allowed on field trips or other school sponsored events.
*Candy/snack eating requires teacher authorization and is to be confined to the classroom only.
Work Permits
Available in the High School Office. Required documentation needed: letter from employer, letter from parent permitting work, original birth certificate (no copies accepted), original social security card (no copies accepted), and $10.00 fee. Student must be present to sign permit. A work permit is required for each job obtained until age 16.
Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
CGBMS utilizes the PBIS approach as a way to maximize favorable academic and social behavior outcomes. Students at CGBMS are…Respectful, Responsible, and Kind. We are proud to be recognized by the Wisconsin RtI Center as a School of Merit for our implementation efforts of this framework. Our school was also recognized at the Silver level for “Efforts to Implement a Culturally Responsive System of Support ~ Behavior.
General Student Conduct (Board Policy 5500)
Any conduct which causes or creates a reasonable likelihood that it will cause a substantial disruption in or material interference with any school function, activity, or purpose, or that interferes with or creates a reasonable likelihood that it will interfere with the health, safety or well-being, or the rights of themselves or others is prohibited.
The preceding is a general standard that should be used as a guide by all students. Not all acts of misconduct can be itemized here. Situations or problems that may occur during the school year that are not specifically covered in this handbook will be decided by the building principal. The following is an enumeration of some of the main areas of conduct which may lead to disciplinary action such as detention, confiscation of material, revoking privileges, removal from the school setting by law enforcement officers, probation, exclusion, mandatory program reassignment, suspension, or expulsion. Exclusion, suspension, expulsion, and mandatory program reassignments shall be administered in accordance with the standards established by state law. (Refer to Board Policy 5610 for more information.)
Possession or use of a weapon or other item that might cause bodily harm to anyone in the school. The term “weapon” means any object which, in the manner in which it is used, is intended to be used, or is represented, is capable of inflicting serious bodily harm or property damage, as well as endangering the health and safety of others. (Refer to Board Policy 5772 for weapons description.)
Possession or being under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, or otherwise in violation of district student alcohol and other drug policies.
Behavior that interferes with a person's work or school performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive classroom environment.
Taunting, baiting, inciting, and/or encouraging a fight or disruption.
Disruption and intimidation caused by gang symbols or gestures, gang or group posturing to provoke altercations or confrontations.
Pushing, striking or threatening a student or staff member.
Obstruction of classroom activities or other intentional action taken to attempt to prevent the teacher from teaching or other students from learning.
Interfering with the orderly operation of the classroom by using, threatening to use, or counseling others to use violence, force, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, or disruptive means.
Cheating is defined as taking the work, words, or ideas and/or efforts of another as one’s own, or providing one’s work to be presented as another’s. Cheating may result in disciplinary action.
Dressing or grooming in a manner that presents a danger to health or safety, causes interference with work or creates classroom disorder.
Repeated classroom interruptions, confronting staff argumentatively, making loud noises, refusing to follow directions, or excessive disruptive talking.
Restricting another person's freedom to properly utilize classroom facilities or equipment.
Throwing dangerous objects in the classroom or on school grounds. This includes snowballs.
Repeated disruption or violation of classroom rules.
Racial slurs or degrading statements of any nature.
Behavior that causes the teacher or other students fear of physical or psychological harm.
Physical confrontations or verbal/physical threats.
Willful damage to school property.
Defiance of authority (willful refusal to follow directions or orders given by the teacher).
Repeatedly reporting to class without bringing necessary materials to participate in class activities.
Possession of personal property prohibited by school rules and otherwise disruptive to the teaching and learning of others (laser pointers, lighters, matches, noise makers etc.)
Use of profanity
Students who believe they are victims of bullying behaviors must report their concerns to the school counselor or building principals to assure consistency and timeliness in handling complaints. Procedures used in handling the complaints will be in accordance with Board Policy 5136 and 5517.01.
Students who believe they are victims of sexual harassment must report their concerns to the school counselor or building principal to assure consistency and timeliness in handling complaints. Procedures used in handling the complaints will be in accordance with Board Policy 5517.
While at school, on school property, or at a school-sponsored activity off school grounds, students are not to:
possess or use tobacco
possess or consume alcoholic beverages
sell, consume, or have possession of drugs
be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or look-alike drugs
possess or use weapons/firearms/tasers
Violations of a, b, c, d, or e above may lead to permanent expulsion from school. This restriction extends beyond the normal school day, including all school sponsored extracurricular activities. Parents and/or law officials may be contacted if violations occur.
Failure to adhere to school expectations in regard #25 above may result in any or a combination of the following disciplinary actions:
Parental Notification
Search and seizure of items in question
Referral to authorities
Referral for counseling and/or treatment
Suspension from school
Recommendation to the School Board for expulsion.
Bus Conduct
Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of the driver of the bus. Students are expected to follow all rules and procedures as established by the bus driver. When riding the school bus, students are expected to conduct themselves in the following manner:
Be seated at all times with feet out of the aisle
Keep head, arms and legs inside the bus
Avoid eating or drinking on the bus
Refrain from throwing any objects on the bus or out the bus windows
Use appropriate language
Display attitude and behavior that promote mutual respect between you and your driver
Failure to follow safety and/or behavior guidelines may result in disciplinary action including loss of bus riding privileges. All student bus misbehavior that warrants principal intervention will be initiated by the bus driver using a Bus Conduct Report form.
Staff Interventions
CGBMS follows a process of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Minor behavioral violations are handled by staff and major violations are handled by teacher, counselor and/or Principal. Interventions may include:
review of behavioral expectations, practice, positive incentive plan, verbal/written warning, individual student conference, parent contact, loss of free time during recess or lunch, behavior plan, referral to school counselor, removal from a school activity, detention (before or after school, or during lunch), team –student meeting, teacher-student-parent conference, loss of co-curricular activity privileges, administrative intervention.
Office Interventions
Referral to the office may include counselor or principal interventions as deemed best for the behavior exhibited by the student. Interventions may include: review of behavioral expectations, practice, positive incentive plan, conference with student on the problem, review rule or expectation that is involved, school counselor-student conference/plan, student writes a problem solving report regarding the situation, contact parents about the situation, loss of certain privileges, student-teacher-principal conference, detention (before or after school, or during lunch), student-teacher-parent-principal conference, student removed from class (will be given assignment from classroom teacher), student sent home for the remainder of the day (out-of-school suspension), student sent home for one to five days (out-of-school suspension), involve local authorities, recommendation to the school board for expulsion.
Detention Procedures
Detention is held from 2:47 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. Monday - Thursday. Students must bring work to the assigned detention. Students may not sleep, eat, drink, talk, or disturb the other students. Students assigned to detention are expected to arrange transportation home. In the event a student cannot be picked up as planned due to unforeseen circumstances, permission from the student's teacher or principal may be granted to ride the elementary bus. A bus pass from the student's teacher or principal is required in order to permit the student to ride the elementary bus home. Students will be given 24-hour notice before they must serve detention. If the situation warrants, a student may be kept for detention the same day of the misconduct pending notification of the parent. If a student is absent on the day he/she was assigned to serve detention, he/she will be required to serve detention upon return to school. Upon skipping a detention, one additional detention will be assigned. Students who chronically skip detentions will be referred to the office.
Expulsion Grounds (Board Policy 5610)
The following reasons may be considered sufficient cause for student expulsion.
1. The willful or malicious destruction of school equipment or property.
2. Possession or sale of drugs or alcohol on school property and/or at school sponsored activities off school property, including being on school property or at school activities under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
3. Behavior that leads to the physical and moral deterioration of the school.
4. Repeated refusal or neglect to obey the school rules or board policies.
5. Engaging in conduct which endangers the property, health or safety of others.
6. Use or possession of tobacco on school grounds or at school activities.
*CGBSD will strictly enforce the policy of having a tobacco-free campus to include all nicotine-containing products except FDA-approved cessation products.
7. Use or possession of a weapon on school grounds or at school activities.
Expulsion for Possession of Facsimile Firearms
Under this law, Wisconsin Act 191, no person may carry or display a facsimile firearm in a manner that could reasonably be expected to alarm, intimidate, threaten or terrify another person. Whoever violates this section may be subject to expulsion.
Expulsion for Endangering Employees or Board Members
Wisconsin Act 284 provides that a pupil may be suspended or expelled from school for conduct which endangered the property, health or safety of any employee or school board member of the school district in which the pupil is enrolled.
In order to be eligible to participate in the activities that are sponsored by the Cedar Grove-Belgium Board of Education, a student must be in good academic standing. The activities include band/choir field trips, competitive, and non-competitive performances. The following sports are sponsored by the Cedar Grove-Belgium Board of Education:
Cross Country Grades 5-8 Volleyball Grades 7 & 8 Spring Track Grades 5-8
Basketball Grades 7 & 8 Wrestling Grades 5-8 E-Sports Grades 6-8
All middle school students shall have access to extracurricular and recreational school sponsored activities. It is the policy of the CGB School District to encourage full participation of middle school students in these programs and activities if they are willing to assume certain responsibilities as set by coaches, advisors, the athletic coordinator, and the principal.
Any student with a grade lower than a C- while in season will not be allowed to perform or compete until satisfactory progress has been obtained, the teacher has been given a reasonable window of time to compute the current grade, and permission has been granted to perform or compete by the athletic coordinator. Grades lower than a C- at the end of a quarter will warrant suspension from performance/competition until all grades reflect a minimum of a C-. The coach and athletic coordinator will make the determination regarding ineligibility for any portion of a season. The suspension period begins on the Monday following the weekly grade checks by the athletic coordinator and only affects the performance/competition. Students are expected to attend Hard Work Café, team meetings and practices during a period of ineligibility.
Except in cases of family emergencies, students participating in afternoon or evening activities must attend and participate in all scheduled classes on the day of the activity. Absences during the day due to medical appointments or family emergencies are excused and do not affect practice or competition. If the absence is unexcused, student participation in weekend performances or competitions will not be allowed. The attendance requirement may be waived by the principal if the absence is for an unavoidable, non-illness related reason. Students are expected to be in school the day following an athletic or co-curricular event. Athletes who are physically unable to practice for FIVE (5) CONSECUTIVE DAYS due to illness or injury are to present to the Athletic Coordinator or Principal a statement from a physician stating they are again physically fit to participate in school sponsored athletics.
All injuries, which occur while participating in athletics, should be reported to the coach. If the injury requires medical attention by a doctor or treatment center, it will be necessary to have a student accident form completed. Once an athlete is treated by a physician, the athlete must obtain the doctor’s written permission to return to the activity.
As a reminder, if there are siblings who are attending any middle school athletic event, they need to remain in the area of the athletic event under parent supervision. Students and guests are not permitted in the balcony or in the hallways. Thank you for your cooperation.
A physical examination is required prior to participation in any activity. The physical form submitted by parents/guardians will be kept on file in the middle school athletic office for two school years.
A completed student emergency data form will be kept on file.
A completed athletic participation and concussion agreement will be kept on file.
$15.00 fee per sport is payable at the time of participation.
INSURANCE: The school district does not carry primary insurance coverage for student athletic
injuries. Parents will need to indicate on the athletic physical form the name of the insurance company under which the athlete is covered.
RISK OF PARTICIPATION: All athletes and parents must realize the risk of serious injury, which may be a result of athletic participation.
FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS AND EQUIPMENT: Uniforms - In several sports, athletes may be required to purchase a portion of the practice uniform which will become their property. Equipment - All athletes are responsible for the proper care and security of equipment issued to them. School furnished equipment is to be worn only for contests and practices. ALL EQUIPMENT NOT RETURNED IN GOOD CONDITION AT THE END OF THE SEASON WILL BE SUBJECT TO A FINANCIAL PENALTY.
CONDUCT OF ATHLETES: A firm and fair policy of enforcement is necessary to uphold the regulations and standards of the athletic department. The community, school administrators, and the coaching staff feel strongly that high standards of conduct and citizenship are essential in maintaining a sound program of athletics. Major behavior referrals will be considered when determining athletic ineligibility. The welfare of the student is the main consideration and transcends any other consideration.
The participant in athletics, as a member of a team, or an individual performer, is valued first as a human being and second as an athlete. Those participating in athletics are entitled to respect, dignity, privacy and the right opportunities to develop as a whole and healthy person. Training rules are a matter of self-discipline. The best performance the individual is capable of producing comes only after the body and mind have been conditioned through a regular training program. This code is to be followed by all athletes and is to be in effect for the full calendar year.
The merit of this program is in the fact that it offers a positive approach, correcting the behavior, not destroying the individual.
This all-inclusive athletic code and athletic physical must be signed and turned in before the athlete begins practicing for a sport. This code is to be followed by all athletes and is to be in effect for the FULL CALENDAR YEAR. Each coach may also implement code of conduct items for their particular sport.
If any offenses occur during the off-season or if the athlete is not currently participating in a sport, the penalty would begin at the beginning of his/her next sport season within the calendar year.
Voluntary admission of an infraction of the training rules regarding substance abuse will result in a first offense punishment and will be recorded as such. This will not move the athlete up the offense ladder and can only be used one (1) time by the athlete in his/her athletic middle school career. If used a second time, by his/her own admission, it is suggested that he/she do five (5) hours of community service. The athlete would be placed on the next level of offenses, allowing other discipline actions at the discretion of the coach and drug consultant.
Any out-of-school suspension would also be considered as a “no practice” or “no activity” suspension to be administered in the same time period and placed on the offense ladder accordingly.
All student-athletes are to read the following commitments carefully:
No smoking or use of tobacco in any way at any time.
No drinking of alcoholic beverages at any time.
No use of illegal drugs at any time.
Players are not allowed to be in attendance at student parties or gatherings where alcoholic beverages and/or drugs are in use. If this situation arises unexpectedly, athletes shall leave immediately. Players should be accompanied by their parents at adult social functions where alcoholic beverages are served.
The scope of problems covered under this policy would include drugs, alcohol and tobacco use in any form; the transfer, concealment, selling, attempt to sell, deliver or be under the influence of narcotics, drugs or alcohol materials/substances represented to be a drug controlled substance, or chemical use which can affect psychological and physiological functioning. Athletes should not engage in drug use/abuse or possess paraphernalia specific to the use of the chemicals.
Corrective: After confirmation of the first violation, the student athlete shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive interscholastic events or two (2) weeks of a season, whichever is greater. Parental consultation in person or writing. Mandatory five (5) page report on the harms and effects of whatever was used. This is to be done within the suspension period. It is recommended that the parents help the student in the gathering and reporting of material for this report. The report should be titled “This is what could happen to me if I would continue to use_______”. This report would be placed in the athletic file. If the student does not follow through with above items, he/she is out of athletics until they are completed.
Corrective: Mandatory parent-athlete consultation drug/alcohol evaluation with a chemical-dependency agency (if past or present offense involves drugs or alcohol) at the athlete's expense. Four (4) weeks or four (4) events suspension, whichever is greater.
Corrective: Mandatory counseling/treatment at the athlete's expense. Verification is required. Loses eligibility in athletics until above is completed. Possible drug testing through the school year at the athlete's expense to verify sobriety.