The middle school houses both our auditorium and gym & swim facilities.
Recognized as an Exemplary Middle School
by the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators
Wisconsin Technology Initiative (WTI) Grant Recipient
2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 Recognized for Efforts to Implement
A Culturally Responsive System of Support ~ Silver Level ~ Behavior
by the Wisconsin RTI Center, PBIS Network
2015-2016 - Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Accountability Report Card
received a Five Star District rating
2014-15, 2015-16 Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports School of Merit
UWM Middle School Honors Band Festival Participants
Please visit the school websites to learn more.
For general information, please contact:
Karlin Aleff
Administrative Assistant
50 West Union Avenue • Cedar Grove
920-668-8686 ext. 226